1. It was an easy grade and we got alot of free time.
2. I wouldn't change anything except come to class with my friends because it will be funnier.
3. Try not to yell or be upset with everyone because of what someone did.
4. No...there isn't
Monday, June 13, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Daily Image June 7

Daily Image Responses:
This is my favorite picture from the website because I like the way it was taken. I think its very creative and it looks really good. I love the color in the photo as well as the setting. The person who thought of this picture is very creative. I say this because the dog is really sitting at the chair like he's human. There is also a drink in front of the dog, which makes it look like he just got served. I love this picture!!! : )
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Daily Image June1, 2011
Daily Image Responses
1. I see a man sky diving from the sky.
2. I see the colors blue, white, yellow, brown, and green. I see odd shapes...odd circles. I see horizontal lines.
3. The five expressive words I would use to describe this picture would be amazing, brave, energetic, rush, and light.
4. It gives me a boring mood because I'm not doing it and because it not exciting to see a picture of it.
5. This might mean in life you have to do crazy things so you'll remember it.
6. This picture uses odd numbers or more interesting because there is one man sky diving.
Friday, May 27, 2011
1. Texture is the way a surface, substance or piece of cloth feels when you touch it.
2. Shooting texture take photography one step further conveying to the viewer not only how something looks, but also how it feels to the touch.
3. The bonus of photographing bricks is creating patterns and shapes.
4. A good texture you can photograph could be tree bark and this is interesting because it is glossily smooth or dry, peeling and rough.
5. Touchable qualities of paint would be a shiny new coat of paint on a windowsill, an old peeling fence or a thickly layered oil painting because they all invite the lens forward to reproduce qualities.
6. The stone lends itself, in nature and urban settings, because for example, a pebbly beach may not seem as tempting a prospect as its sandy counterpart, but the different shapes and sizes of the stones just excite the person looking.
7. Some aspects of wood that are inspiring are twisted roots, roughly chopped fire piles, smoothly sanded new grain, and etc.
8. 3 fabrics/textures that we can photograph in school are matting, carpet, and rough paint.
9. Qualities of rope are different. There are rough and fraying or smoothly waxed and because there are many different sizes of rope, it gives the photographer the chance to move in close and get a good texture shot. We can find rope in gym when people climb rope.
10. Metal is a good piece of work to photograph and photographers like to take pictures of it because metal can be smooth, rusty, and dull. Metal also gives up its age and that gives the photographer another exciing texture to work on.
2. Shooting texture take photography one step further conveying to the viewer not only how something looks, but also how it feels to the touch.
3. The bonus of photographing bricks is creating patterns and shapes.
4. A good texture you can photograph could be tree bark and this is interesting because it is glossily smooth or dry, peeling and rough.
5. Touchable qualities of paint would be a shiny new coat of paint on a windowsill, an old peeling fence or a thickly layered oil painting because they all invite the lens forward to reproduce qualities.
6. The stone lends itself, in nature and urban settings, because for example, a pebbly beach may not seem as tempting a prospect as its sandy counterpart, but the different shapes and sizes of the stones just excite the person looking.
7. Some aspects of wood that are inspiring are twisted roots, roughly chopped fire piles, smoothly sanded new grain, and etc.
8. 3 fabrics/textures that we can photograph in school are matting, carpet, and rough paint.
9. Qualities of rope are different. There are rough and fraying or smoothly waxed and because there are many different sizes of rope, it gives the photographer the chance to move in close and get a good texture shot. We can find rope in gym when people climb rope.
10. Metal is a good piece of work to photograph and photographers like to take pictures of it because metal can be smooth, rusty, and dull. Metal also gives up its age and that gives the photographer another exciing texture to work on.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Color Purple, Color Symbolism #5
1. The color I choose to use was black.
2. The color black conveys the meaning sexuality.
3. This color relates to the passage because Nettie was talking about a guy that was dark, but was cute to her.
4. This photograph relates to the passage because she said he was dark and his eyes dazzled.
5. The quote I would use is: " Because the black is so black the eye is simply dazzled, and then there is the shining that seems to come, really, from moonlight, it is so luminous, but their skin glows even in the sun".
6. My photo gives the same feeling because in the passage it starts to talk about how he was dark, but cute and his eyes dazzled.
Color Purple, Color Symbolism #4
1. The color I choose to focus on was black.
2. This color convey the meaning sexuality.
3. This color relates to the story because when Nettie wrote Celie she was talking about a guy that was black ( as in dark), but she thought he was cute.
4. This photograph relates to the story because when she wrote to her she said his skin glowed in the sun even thought he was dark.
5. The quote I would use is: " Because the black is so black the eye is simply dazzled, and then there is the shining that seems to come, really, from moonlight, it is so luminous, but their skin glows even in the sun".
6. My photo gives the same feeling because I used the color black as sexuality.
Color Purple, Color Symbolism #3
1. The color i choose was blue.
2. The meaning that this color conveys is peace or depression.
3. This color relates to the book because when Shug Avery came around in the book, the had peace.
4. This photograph relates to the book because Mr. ___ would just sit on the porch and stare out.
5. The quote I'm going to use from the story is: " He drop the hoe in the furrow, turn right back on his heel, walk back to the house, go git him a cool drink of water, git his pipe, sit on the porch and stare".
6. This photo gives the same feeling because Mr. ___ did this the day after he went and saw Shug Avery so he was at aww and he was peaceful.
Color Purple, Color Symbolism #2
1. The color I used for this picture is black.
2. These colors convey the meanings unhappiness and anger.
3. This colors relates to the story because there was a lot of anger and unhappiness throughout most of the story.
4. This photograph relates to the story because the person in the picture is biting their lip because he's mad, but is trying not to show it.
5. The quote I would use from the story would be: " I pray for strength, bite the insides of my jaws".
6. My photo gives the same feeling because in the quote it says the person is biting his or her jaws and thats because they're upset/mad.
ColorPurple, ColorSymbolism #1
1. The colors I choose for this picture are white and black.
2. The meaning the color white conveys is peace/power (which is like strength) and the meaning the color black conveys is mystery.
3. These colors relate to the book because there was a lot of mystery in the story, but peace was needed and it started to come later on in the book as well.
4. This photograph relates to the book because in this picture the person is praying to God and in the book there was a lot of talking to God.
5. The quote from this picture that I would use is: " I pray for strength, bite the insides of my jaws". This quote connects it because the person is praying for strength because he/or she is upset and wants peace.
6. He or she needs peace.
Daily Image May 23, 2011
Daily Image Responses:
1. I see a bunch of rocks, but the rocks in the middle are arranged to form a woman and the grass at the top is her hair.
2. The color I see are grey, brown, black, and green. The shapes I see are squares and circles. The lines I see are straight and curvy.
3. The five expressive words I would use are impressive, creative, rocky, lively, and relaxing.
4. This picture puts me in an " aww/ relaxing" mood because this picture is very creative, calm, and I like this very much.
5. This photograph may mean that people or a person can be made out of just about anything?
6. This picture uses simplicity and odd numbers are more interesting because this picture is simple and one woman is formed in the picture.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Daily Image May 17, 2011
Daily Image Responses:
1. I see a bunch of people in robes or some kind of clothing material that certain religions wear, kneeling/bowing down to someone or there're praying.
2. The colors I see are orange, pink, blue, grey, and white. The shapes I see are rectangles, squares, and implied circles/ovals.
3. The five expressive words I would use to describe this image would be bright, religious, quiet, calm, and crowded.
4. The mood this picture puts me in is a still mood because this picture is uninteresting to me.
5. This photograph may mean that there are other religions in this country that we don't know about that gathers together to pray with a load of other people that believe in what they believe in.
6. This photo uses simplicity because it's a simple picture...all it is a bunch of people bowing down or praying to someone(the person they believe to be God).
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Daily Image May 11, 2011
Daily Responses:
1. I see two men walking on a cliff in the winter.
2. The colors I see are white and blue. The shapes I see are the top of pyramids and or triangles. The lines I see are pointy/zig-zag.
3. The five words I would use to describe this picture is cold, interesting, exciting, fun, and dangerous/scary.
4. The mood this picture puts is cold because this room is cold and this picture looks cold so its just getting me colder.
5. This photo may mean that you should be adventurous in life so you can have memories.
6. This photo to me uses actual and implied lines because if you draw the lines, then the two men would be on the 2nd line between the 2nd and 3rd box in the 2nd row.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Daily Image May 9, 2011
Daily Image Responses:
1. I see trees, grass, and a river.
2. The colors I see are red, green, orange, yellow, and black.
3. The five words I would use to describe this picture are bright, creative, interesting, calm, and quiet.
4. The mood this gives me is a calm mood because it looks quiet.
5. This photo means that there are quiet places where we can go to relax.
6.This picture uses simplicity from the rule of 3rds because its just has trees and a river.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Daily Image May 5, 2011
Daily Image Responses:
1. I see a purple and bluish image with buildings and junk.
2. The colors I see are purple and blue. The shapes I see are squares and cylinders. The lines I see are vertical and horizontal.
3. The five words I would use to describe this picture is uninteresting, dumb, boring, calm, and quiet.
4. The mood this picture puts me in is a still mood because it doesn't interest me so it doesn't affect me.
5. The meaning of this photo could be that it is most beautiful up above, when the night sky is going away and morning sky is coming up.
6. This picture uses odd numbers are more interesting because there is one sun rising in this picture.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Color Purple Photo Planning: April 29, 2011
1. The passage number I was given was passage number 5 and the page from the book was 53.
2. The emotions that can be found in this passage are love, feel like mama used to do.
3. The colors symbolize the mood and emotions are red and maybe blue.
4. The sentence I picked is that feel like mama used to do.
5. The photos I am going to take are combs, hair, girls on the floor leaning on the girl's knees.
2. The emotions that can be found in this passage are love, feel like mama used to do.
3. The colors symbolize the mood and emotions are red and maybe blue.
4. The sentence I picked is that feel like mama used to do.
5. The photos I am going to take are combs, hair, girls on the floor leaning on the girl's knees.
Daily Image April 29, 2011
Daily Responses:
1. I see a tunnel that is blue on the top and brown on the bottom.
2. The colors I see are brown, blue, black, and white. The shapes I see are circles in the dents on the ceiling. The lines I see curvy.
3. The five expressive words I would use are bright, amazing, creative, pretty, and blue.
4. This picture gives me a still mood because it doesn't interest me that much.
5. This photograph may mean that things that we think of in our imagination might actually be real in reality.
6. This picture to me uses simplicity because this picture is simple.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Daily Image April 27, 2011
Daily Responses:
1. I see a bunch of people coming out of a court house it looks like and its like a moment of history is the middle of the picture.
2. The colors I see are yellow, black, burgundy, orange, white, grey, brown, red , green, and blue. The shapes I see are squares, cylinders, and rectangles. The lines I see are horizontal and vertical lines.
3.The five words I would use interesting, mysterious, creative, important, and polished.
4. The mood that this picture gives me is calm because I don' really know what it's about that much.
5. This picture mean that some places have historical backgrounds.
6. This picture uses the rule of thirds because the historical figure is in the middle.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Daily Image April 25
Daily Responses:
1. I see an abandoned room with newspapers and boxes in it in black and white.
2. The colors I see are black and white. The shapes I see are cylinders, rectangles, and squares.
3. The five expressive words I would use to describe this picture would be mysterious, dull, uninteresting, old, and nasty.
4. The mood I get from this picture is a "whatever" kind of mood because I think this picture is boring and uninteresting.
5. This photo may mean that in life you will find something you care about enough that might not have a lot of meaning towards other people, and you will keep it even though it may look weird.
6. This picture uses actual and implied lines because I see a lot of implied lines.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Daily Image April 18-20, 2011
Daily Responses:
1. I see a Japanese man standing in the middle of a bunch of trashed homes and etc.
2. The colors I see are black, grey, white, orange, yellow, blue, brown, and white. The shapes I see are squares, circles, and rectangles. The lines I see are straight.
3. The five expressive words I would use describe this picture is sad, nasty, cluttered, messy, and stupid (not the storm, but I don't like seeing sad pictures like this).
4. The meaning of this picture could could be that sometimes bad stuff will happen in life and it will be a big mess to clean up.
5. This picture uses odd numbers are more interesting from the rule of thirds because there is one person in this picture.
Daily Responses:
1. I see a boat in the water, but in the water it looks like they're clouds.
2. The shapes I see are rectangles. The colors I see are blue, white, and brown. The lines I see are straight lines.
3. The five expressive words used to describe this picture are bright, pretty, creative, lonely, and quiet.
4. The meaning of this photo could be that sometimes you have to get away by yourself.
5. This picture uses simplicity because its a simple picture with a clean background.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Daily Image April 14, 2011
Daily Responses:
1. I see brick houses and a broken up road and cars on the bottom as well as bricks.
2. The colors I see are red, blue, yellow, tan, green, white, and red. The shapes I see are rectangles, circles, and squares. The lines I see are straight.
3. The five expressive words I would to describe this picture are weird, quiet, polished, alone, and creative.
4.The meaning of this picture could be that in life everything won't look like its going straight and the way you want it to...sometimes it will look like its upside down.
5. This picture uses " imaginary grid with the money spots" from the rule of thirds because I can see the money shots.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Daily Image April 12, 2011
Daily Responses:
1. I see a very bad storm...a thunder and lighting storm.
2. The colors I see are black, white, orange, and brown. I don't really see any shapes accept for like a cone and the peak of a triangle. The only lines I see are two straight and cricked lines.
3. The five words I would use to describe this picture are: crazy, dangerous, creative, bright, but dark, and rage.
4. The meaning of this picture could be that you will have unexpected storms in your life.
5. This picture uses "clear focus on point of interest" from the rules of composition because the first thing that catches your eye in the picture is the storm and this is the only thing that in the picture, except for trees and things.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Daily Image April 8, 2011
Daily Responses:
1. I see a man walking on the rope thats in mid air, but is pinned down on the cliff so he won't fall and because of that we know he's walking from a high position.
2. The colors I see are brown, green, blue, and a little white. The shapes I see are rectangles and a circle. The lines I see are straight.
3. The five words I would use to describe this photo would be dangerous, brave, crazy,uninteresting, and irate.
4. The meaning of this image is despite how old or young you are, you should do something in life that will always be rememberable.
5. This picture uses clear focus on point of interest from the rules of composition: simplicity; because the background in this picture is clear.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Emotions & Mood in Music
Interpreting Mood & Emotion in Music:
The mood of this is a happy, perky, and energetic mood because of the songs and brightness.
The mood of this video made you feel like a little scary and mysterious because of the sounds and darkness in the trailer 2.
Song #1: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
The words that come to mind are: happy, hyper, energetic, bright, old, danceful, green, fun, jolly, crazy, and smooth.
Song #2: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
The words that come to mind are: smooth, slow, country, lazy, boring, arid, dead, carless, tired, and sleepy.
Song #3: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
The words that come to mind are: kinky, crazy, spring break, I’m getting a headache (she can’t sing), irritated, dumb, boring, can’t follow it, not my type of music, and SO LOUD and all she’s making is noise.
Song #4: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
The words that come to mind are creative, soft, better than the lady gaga version; cool, on beat, good, noisy, irritating though, serious, and powerful.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Emotions and Mood Blog Assignment
1. The writer of the article says that the mood in a picture tends toward relaxation and other feelings like that make the viewer want to walk right into the picture and sit for a while, is creating the mood for him.
2. The most common element that can add mood to a photo is fog.
3. Storm clouds add mood because the darker and more threatening to the sky they are, the more drama and mood you will have in your picture.
4. The effect that running water has is a silky, smooth flow because of a long exposure, but a fast shutter speed can create a feeling of power as waves crash on rocks, for example.
5. Many different people find many different moods in an photo because what creates a feeling of mood in one person isn't going to work that way for every person.
6. Adding emotion makes a great photo because it helps the viewer connect with a picture if that emotion is prevalent in the viewer.
7. The photo should be your expression of what you see and feel through the viewfinder.
8. Faces convey emotion easily because whatever your going through, good or bad, it will show on your face because you're being effected by whatever is going on.
9. It will relax the mood for you and others around you because your breaking out of that bubble and you're absorbing more from the world.
10. You should ask yourself what emotion am I trying to convey?, when taking a picture.
2. The most common element that can add mood to a photo is fog.
3. Storm clouds add mood because the darker and more threatening to the sky they are, the more drama and mood you will have in your picture.
4. The effect that running water has is a silky, smooth flow because of a long exposure, but a fast shutter speed can create a feeling of power as waves crash on rocks, for example.
5. Many different people find many different moods in an photo because what creates a feeling of mood in one person isn't going to work that way for every person.
6. Adding emotion makes a great photo because it helps the viewer connect with a picture if that emotion is prevalent in the viewer.
7. The photo should be your expression of what you see and feel through the viewfinder.
8. Faces convey emotion easily because whatever your going through, good or bad, it will show on your face because you're being effected by whatever is going on.
9. It will relax the mood for you and others around you because your breaking out of that bubble and you're absorbing more from the world.
10. You should ask yourself what emotion am I trying to convey?, when taking a picture.
Daily Image April 4, 2011
Daily Responses:
1. I see a girl sitting on the ground crying because it looks like an earthquake in Japan destroyed everything.
2. The colors I see are white, pink, green, black, brown, red, orange, blue, and grey. The shapes I see are cylinders, circles, and rectangles. The lines I see are straight, parallel, diagonal.
3. The five words I would use to describe this picture is sad, shocking, dirty, depressing, and dark.
4. The interpretation of this picture could be that sometimes in life bad things are going to happen.
5. This picture uses odd numbers are more interesting from the rule of thirds because there is one person in the picture.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Daily Image March 4, 2010
Daily Image Responses
1. I see a man leaping from Freedom Bridge in Budapest, Hungary, to kill himself, after setting himself on fire on May 22, 2010.
2. I see the colors black, green, brown, white, and orange. I see a square shape, circular shape, and a rectangular.
3.The five words I would use to describe this photo taken would be: interesting, creative, polished, shimmering, and crazy.
4. The meaning of this photo could be that when people think life is too hard or unbearable, they go crazy.
5. This picture uses odd numbers are more interesting from the rules of composition because there is man in this picture.
* I choose this photo because this photo is interesting and I think it's a very cool picture, but it's very sad at the same time. I think it's cool because the colors in the picture are cool and I never knew you can catch beautiful picture like this...the lighting makes it beautiful to me.
* This is an important news photo because here is another death of someone in the world. Even though every person that dies, death isn't in the news or something, but this was a crazy way of dying. This man set himself on fire and then jumped off the bridge...that's just crazy in my eyes.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Daily Image March 1,2011
Daily Image Responses
1. I see a grey picture with a lady in it painting a hardwood floor blue, but when she painting it, it ends up looking exactly like the ocean.
2. I see the colors blue, grey, white, and black. The shapes I see are cylinders, ovals, and rectangles. The lines I see are straight lines.
3. The five expressive words I would use to express this picture are: creative, beautiful, interesting, dark, and stormy.
4. The meaning of this image could be that the lady is obsessed with the ocean so she wants her hardwood floors to look like the ocean after she paints it.
5. This image uses odd numbers are more interesting because there is one lady in the picture.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Daily Image February 28, 2011
Daily Image Responses
1. I see a man placing down shiny tiles on the street.
2. The colors I see are black, gold, and white. The shapes I see are: squares and rectangles. The lines is see are parallel and straight.
3. The five expressive words I would use to describe this picture would be: polished, pretty, unique, sharp, and delicate.
4. The meaning of this image is sometimes when things need to be done to make things look better you should do it. For example, this walkway needs to be done and this man did it.
5. This picture uses odd numbers makes things more interesting because there is one person in the picture putting the tiles down.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
#2 Adding Variety
1. The technique I use is moving the subject around because it may look better in a different position.
2. I haven't thought of telling a story and I've never thought of experimenting with different modes because to me a picture is a picture only some looks better than others, which is very rare to me.
3. The next technique I will try to use is avoiding group shot blink because it's something new.
4. You should move your subject around because it may look better in a different position.
5. It is a good idea to use continuous shoot because you might take photos that are messed up, but the other ones are just what you wanted and you don't have to start over and over.
6. One last tip is to experiment with different modes because the picture to you might look good regular, but when you play with the modes, you might see that the picture looks way better when you change certain modes.
2. I haven't thought of telling a story and I've never thought of experimenting with different modes because to me a picture is a picture only some looks better than others, which is very rare to me.
3. The next technique I will try to use is avoiding group shot blink because it's something new.
4. You should move your subject around because it may look better in a different position.
5. It is a good idea to use continuous shoot because you might take photos that are messed up, but the other ones are just what you wanted and you don't have to start over and over.
6. One last tip is to experiment with different modes because the picture to you might look good regular, but when you play with the modes, you might see that the picture looks way better when you change certain modes.
#1 Photo Planning
1. A snap happy photographer is a person who doesn't take time to position their camera in the right place and is a person who just snap photos, not concentrating or paying attention to what they're really doing, even though they catch good pictures, but they weren't taken on purpose.
2. An over planner is someone who goes and take the longest time to position a person right because they want everything just perfect, but it's just taking away they're time from actually taking the photo.
3. To be honest, I don't think I am either because I really don't like taking pictures, but if I have to choose I would say I am a snap happy photographer because I don't really care for taking pictures so I'm not going to take my time making sure everything is perfect so I just will snap photos, but I do try in this class because I' getting graded.
4. the two questions in this article that I can use to help me plan my photos better are: Do I have time to pose my subject or do I need to shoot fast?, and the other question is : What is going on in the background of this photo?
5. Taking too much time can kill the moment because you can forget your creative idea that you had to how you were going to take this photo.
6. Its good to ask questions while you're taking picture because you're thinking ahead so you won't have to keep going and retaking the photo, and because you will have a picture in your mind of what you want the picture to look like so you'll know what to aim for.
2. An over planner is someone who goes and take the longest time to position a person right because they want everything just perfect, but it's just taking away they're time from actually taking the photo.
3. To be honest, I don't think I am either because I really don't like taking pictures, but if I have to choose I would say I am a snap happy photographer because I don't really care for taking pictures so I'm not going to take my time making sure everything is perfect so I just will snap photos, but I do try in this class because I' getting graded.
4. the two questions in this article that I can use to help me plan my photos better are: Do I have time to pose my subject or do I need to shoot fast?, and the other question is : What is going on in the background of this photo?
5. Taking too much time can kill the moment because you can forget your creative idea that you had to how you were going to take this photo.
6. Its good to ask questions while you're taking picture because you're thinking ahead so you won't have to keep going and retaking the photo, and because you will have a picture in your mind of what you want the picture to look like so you'll know what to aim for.
Daily Image Responses
1. I see a girl laying on the ground, but she is in Heaven.
2. I see the colors blue, white, and black. I see straight lines and the shapes I see are cylinder dents in the ground.
3. The five words I would use to describe this picture are: bright, sad, interesting, mysterious, and cool.
4. The artist might be saying that the meaning of this image is that when you die, you just might go to Heaven.
5. This picture uses "odd numbers are more interesting" from the rule of thirds because there is one person in this picture.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Daily Image Responses
1. I see a girl tilting a photo and water is pouring out the picture.
2. I see the colors white, red, black, green, tan, peach, black, blue, and yellow.
3. Thw words I would describe this photo is weird, mysterious, unnormal, polished, and alone.
4. The meaning of this image is to have an imagination.
5. This picture uses simplicity from the rule of thirds because there is one person in the picture.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Daily Image February 17,2 2011
Daily Image Responses
1. In this picture I see a part of a lady dressed in black/ white with red nails, a newspaper, spilled coffee that shows Africa and etc. like its shown on the map, and I see a sausage patty, it looks like.
2. I see the colors brown, tan, white, black, red, and grey. The shapes I see in this picture is a circle and a square. The lines I see in this picture are straight lines.
3. The five expressive words that I would use to describe the image would be: creative, awkward, dull { as in dumb}, uninteresting... to me, and boring.
4.The meaning of this image is that its telling you that you should travel around the world, thats why the countries spilled out that way.
5. This picture uses Simplicity, from the Rule of 3rds because there is one cup, one newspaper, one pen, and one sausage patty.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Number 7 Quiz
#2. Small Depth Of Field is when you have a picture that has something that is clearly seen in the front, but the background of the picture is blurry.
#4. Large Depth Of Field is when you have a picture that isn't blurry at all and most landscape pictures are Large Depth Of Field.
#5. Exposure means how much light the picture has in it...how much you can really see it...how exposed is it.
#6. Emphasis means that instead of the definition/meaning being written down or being told to you, you have to look at something and figure the definition out.
#7. The settings that you change on the camera for Depth Of Field are the....I forgot.
Daily Image 2/11/11
1. In this picture I see a man sitting at a table that has glasses, a hat with a a piece of paper on it, and a piece of paper on the table. The man looks like he's stressing.
2. The colors in this picture is black, clear, and white.
3. The words I would use to describe tis pictures are: dull, polished, alone, depressing, and stupid.
4. I think the meaning of this picture is that everyone in the world is going to end up stressing at some point.
5. This picture uses odd numbers are more interesting of The Rule Of Thirds from Rules Of Composition because there is one man in the picture, one hat, and three glasses.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Daily Image 2/9/11
1. I see a bunch of kids raising their hands.
2. I see the colors green, red, white,brown, black, and grey. I see straight vertical and horizontal lines. I see square shapes.
3. I would use the words powerful, inspirational, successful, happiness, and hope.
4. I think that this means that these kids are getting their education and their proud to get it.
5. It uses the odd numbers are more interesting because there are three adults shown in the picture.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Daily Image February 3
Daily Image Responses
1. I see a little girl picking peas in s section of a yard where there's nothing, but green leaves, grass, plants, and other things.
2. The colors I see are: all types of green, white, blue, brown, and its black because of the darkness. The shape I see in this picture is an oval. The line I see in this picture is a straight line.
3. The words I use to describe this picture are: earthy, beautiful, polished, vibrant, and relaxing.
4. I think that the meaning of this photograph is that the photographer feels that you should help out as much as you can when your young, if you're able to.
5. This image uses the Rule Of 3rd in the Rule Of Composition, because there is one person in this picture and odd numbers are more interesting.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Dailly Image January 28, 2011
Daily Responses
1. I see a field with old pipes up close to the picture, and a house in the back of the picture.
2. I see the colors: brown, tan, green, yellow, white, blue, and green.
3. Five expressive that I would use to express this picture, would be: crowded, boring, dull, earthy, and calm.
4. I think the photographer wants us to see thow some other places are.
5. This image uses Rules of Composition because I think it has the rules of thirds. I say that beacuse its oe big town and odd numbers are more interesting.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My Daily Image
1. What I see in this photo is a a bunch of elderly people crowded around a bon fire.
2. The colors I see in this picture are: orange, brown, black, yellow, white, green, silver, and light blue.
The shapes I see in this picture are: rectangles and circles.
The lines I see int his picture are: parallel, horizontal, and vertical.
3. The words I would use to describe this image are: calm, crowded, quiet, bright, and polished.
4. I would interpret this photograph by saying that i think the photographer thought that it would be nice to take a picture of one way to relax. Maybe he wanted to show people that because people don't really take the time out to relax or calm down.
5. This image uses the Rules of Composition. I say this because I see the Rule of Thirds because I see odd numbers. It says that odd numbers are more interesting and in this picture I see nine people, but I see parts of two bodies, which equals eleven people.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Daily Image January 11, 2011
I see people in the park standing and walking around.
The colors I see in this picture is black and white. There is a rectangular shape because of the benches that are in the park. I see parallel lines on the back of the benches where the railings are.
I would describe this picture as calm, relaxing, cold, soft, and quiet.
I think the artist wants us to know that sometimes you have to get away and go to a quiet place to relax, whether its by yourself or with someone else.
I think this picture uses simplicity: clean, uncomplicated backgrounds because its not much in this picture but this picture is still beautiful.
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