Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spot Color Photos 1-5

Spot color #1

Spot Color #2

Spot Color #3

Spot Color #4

Spot Color #5

Friday, March 4, 2011

Daily Image March 4, 2010

Daily Image Responses

1. I see a man leaping from Freedom Bridge in Budapest, Hungary, to kill himself, after setting himself on fire on May 22, 2010.

2. I see the colors black, green, brown, white, and orange. I see a square shape, circular shape, and a rectangular.

3.The five words I would use to describe this photo taken would be: interesting, creative, polished, shimmering, and crazy.

4. The meaning of this photo could be that when people think life is too hard or unbearable, they go crazy.

5. This picture uses odd numbers are more interesting from the rules of composition because there is man in this picture.

* I choose this photo because this photo is interesting and I think it's a very cool picture, but it's very sad at the same time. I think it's cool because the colors in the picture are cool and I never knew you can catch beautiful picture like this...the lighting makes it beautiful to me.

* This is an important news photo because here is another death of someone in the world. Even though every person that dies, death isn't in the news or something, but this was a crazy way of dying. This man set himself on fire and then jumped off the bridge...that's just crazy in my eyes.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Daily Image March 1,2011

Daily Image Responses

1. I see a grey picture with a lady in it painting a hardwood floor blue, but when she painting it, it ends up looking exactly like the ocean.

2. I see the colors blue, grey, white, and black. The shapes I see are cylinders, ovals, and rectangles. The lines I see are straight lines.

3. The five expressive words I would use to express this picture are: creative, beautiful, interesting, dark, and stormy.

4. The meaning of this image could be that the lady is obsessed with the ocean so she wants her hardwood floors to look like the ocean after she paints it.

5. This image uses odd numbers are more interesting because there is one lady in the picture.