Friday, April 29, 2011

Color Purple Photo Planning: April 29, 2011

1. The passage number I was given was passage number 5 and the page from the book was 53.

2. The emotions that can be found in this passage are love, feel like mama used to do.

3. The colors symbolize the mood and emotions are red and maybe blue.

4. The sentence I picked is that feel like mama used to do.

5. The photos I am going to take are combs, hair, girls on the floor leaning on the girl's knees.

Daily Image April 29, 2011

Daily Responses:

1. I see a tunnel that is blue on the top and brown on the bottom.

2. The colors I see are brown, blue, black, and white. The shapes I see are circles in the dents on the ceiling. The lines I see curvy.

3. The five expressive words I would use are bright, amazing, creative, pretty, and blue.

4. This picture gives me a still mood because it doesn't interest me that much.

5. This photograph may mean that things that we think of in our imagination might actually be real in reality.

6. This picture to me uses simplicity because this picture is simple.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Daily Image April 27, 2011

Daily Responses:

1. I see a bunch of people coming out of a court house it looks like and its like a moment of history is the middle of the picture.

2. The colors I see are yellow, black, burgundy, orange, white, grey, brown, red , green, and blue. The shapes I see are squares, cylinders, and rectangles. The lines I see are horizontal and vertical lines.

3.The five words I would use interesting, mysterious, creative, important, and polished.

4. The mood that this picture gives me is calm because I don' really know what it's about that much.

5. This picture mean that some places have historical backgrounds.

6.  This picture uses the rule of thirds because the historical figure is in the middle.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Daily Image April 25

Daily Responses:

1. I see an abandoned room with newspapers and boxes in it in black and white.

2. The colors I see are black and white. The shapes I see are cylinders, rectangles, and squares.

3. The five expressive words I would use to describe this picture would be mysterious, dull, uninteresting, old, and nasty.

4. The mood I get from this picture is a "whatever" kind of mood because I think this picture is boring and uninteresting.

5. This photo may mean that in life you will find something you care about enough that might not have a lot of meaning towards other people, and you will keep it even though it may look weird.

6. This picture uses actual and implied lines because I see a lot of implied lines.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Daily Image April 18-20, 2011

Daily Responses:

1. I see a Japanese man standing in the middle of a bunch of trashed homes and etc.

2. The colors I see are black, grey, white, orange, yellow, blue, brown, and white. The shapes I see are squares, circles, and rectangles. The lines I see are straight.

3. The five expressive words I would use describe this picture is sad, nasty, cluttered, messy, and stupid (not the storm, but I don't like seeing sad pictures like this).

4. The meaning of this picture could could be that sometimes bad stuff will happen in life and it will be a big mess to clean up.

5. This picture uses odd numbers are more interesting from the rule of thirds because there is one person in this picture.

Daily Responses:

1. I see a boat in the water, but in the water it looks like they're clouds.

2. The shapes I see are rectangles. The colors I see are blue, white, and brown. The lines I see are straight lines.

3. The five expressive words used to describe this picture are bright, pretty, creative, lonely, and quiet.

4. The meaning of this photo could be that sometimes you have to get away by yourself.

5. This picture uses simplicity because its a simple picture with a clean background.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Daily Image April 14, 2011

Daily Responses:

1. I see brick houses and a broken up road and cars on the bottom as well as bricks.

2. The colors I see are red, blue, yellow, tan, green, white, and red. The shapes I see are rectangles, circles, and squares. The lines I see are straight.

3. The five expressive words I would to describe this picture are weird, quiet, polished, alone, and creative.

4.The meaning of this picture could be that in life everything won't look like its going straight and the way you want it to...sometimes it will look like its upside down.

5. This picture uses " imaginary grid with the money spots" from the rule of thirds because I can see the money shots.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Daily Image April 12, 2011

Daily Responses:

1. I see a very bad storm...a thunder and lighting storm.

2. The colors I see are black, white, orange, and brown. I don't really see any shapes accept for like a cone and the peak of a triangle. The only lines I see are two straight and cricked lines.

3. The five words I would use to describe this picture are: crazy, dangerous, creative, bright, but dark, and rage.

4. The meaning of this picture could be that you will have unexpected storms in your life.

5. This picture uses "clear focus on point of interest" from the rules of composition because the first thing that catches your eye in the picture is the storm and this is the only thing that in the picture, except for trees and things.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Daily Image April 8, 2011

Daily Responses:

1. I see a man walking on the rope thats in mid air, but is pinned down on the cliff so he won't fall and because of that we know he's walking from a high position.

2. The colors I see are brown, green, blue, and a little white. The shapes I see are rectangles and a circle. The lines I see are straight.

3. The five words I would use to describe this photo would be dangerous, brave, crazy,uninteresting, and irate.

4. The meaning of this image is despite how old or young you are, you should do something in life that will always be rememberable.

5. This picture uses clear focus on point of interest from the rules of composition: simplicity; because the background in this picture is clear.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Emotions & Mood in Music

Interpreting Mood & Emotion in Music:

   What is the mood of the 1st video?
The mood of this is a happy, perky, and energetic mood because of the songs and brightness.
  What is the mood of the 2nd video?
                        The mood of this video made you feel like a little scary and mysterious                           because of the sounds and darkness in the trailer 2.   

Song #1: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
            The words that come to mind are: happy, hyper, energetic, bright, old, danceful, green, fun, jolly, crazy, and smooth.

Song #2: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
            The words that come to mind are: smooth, slow, country, lazy, boring, arid, dead, carless, tired, and sleepy.

Song #3: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
            The words that come to mind are: kinky, crazy, spring break, I’m getting a headache (she can’t sing), irritated, dumb, boring, can’t follow it, not my type of music, and SO LOUD and all she’s making is noise.

Song #4: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
            The words that come to mind are creative, soft, better than the lady gaga version; cool, on beat, good, noisy, irritating though, serious, and powerful.

Daily Image April 6,2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Emotions and Mood Blog Assignment

1. The writer of the article says that the mood in a picture tends toward relaxation and other feelings like that make the viewer want to walk right into the picture and sit for a while, is creating the mood for him.

2. The most common element that can add mood to a photo is fog.

3. Storm clouds add mood because the darker and more threatening to the sky they are, the more drama and mood you will have in your picture.

4. The effect that running water has is a silky, smooth flow because of a long exposure, but a fast shutter speed can create a feeling of power as waves crash on rocks, for example.

5. Many different people find many different moods in an photo because what creates a feeling of mood in one person isn't going to work that way for every person.

6. Adding emotion makes a great photo because it helps the viewer connect with a picture if that emotion is  prevalent in the viewer.

7. The photo should be your expression of what you see and feel through the viewfinder.

8. Faces convey emotion easily because whatever your going through, good or bad, it will show on your face because you're being effected by whatever is going on.

9. It will relax the mood for you  and others around you because your breaking out of that bubble and you're absorbing more from the world.

10. You should ask yourself what emotion am I trying to convey?, when taking a picture.

Daily Image April 4, 2011

Daily Responses:

1. I see a girl sitting on the ground crying because it looks like an earthquake in Japan destroyed everything.

2. The colors I see are white, pink, green, black, brown, red, orange, blue, and grey. The shapes I see are cylinders, circles, and rectangles. The lines I see are straight, parallel, diagonal.

3. The five words I would use to describe this picture is sad, shocking, dirty, depressing, and dark.

4. The interpretation of this picture could be that sometimes in life bad things are going to happen.

5. This picture uses odd numbers are more interesting from the rule of thirds because there is one person in the picture.